Okay, so backtracking a lot since I've been super busy and haven't written in here in forever, but I'm gonna try to go over all the highlights so far that I haven't written about... so the 2nd time I went tramping I went with Monique, Shannon, and Heather, who are all kiwi girls in the tramping club. We went on the Mingha Trail in Arthurs pass, and I woke up in the morning and was super hungover from the night before and debated even going because I felt so awful. After almost throwing up on the car ride there, especially because the roads here are super windy and such, we got there and I figured out that hiking/tramping is the greatest hangover cure I've found yet. It was pretty cold since it's winter and it was only like 8:30 in the morning, and as soon as we started walking I immediately felt fine, which was pretty ridiculous to me, but definitely good to know now. We hiked for a few hours and took pictures along the way, obviously, and since we knew we were only doing a day hike, we had to decide how far we wanted to go and when to turn around and such.
Tramping is definitely one of my new favorite activities, and I love the feeling of being away from civilization and in the middle of nature and just breathing it all in and really appreciating how naturally beautiful our world is. I have definitely gained a new appreciate for my surroundings and the incredible nature that encompasses this country. It's absolutely astonishing how beautiful it is here...
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